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From: wayne+blog@waynewerner.com
To: everyone.everywhere.all.at.once
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 12:19:30 -0500
Subject: Console Linux

Console Linux? Yes, please!

I'm currently trying an experiment -- how much of my life can I conduct without using a graphical interface? That is to say I'm using Linux (Arch, since you asked), which isn't anything new. But this time on this particular laptop, I'm sticking to the console. No xserver. Just console.

I know there are going to be a lot of things that are going to be extremely difficult if not downright impossible. I've already found that captive portals are horrible goblins that usually use Javascript for no good reason that I can discern. In the past I've used badwolf to login, but I don't think I'll be able to do that here. So that's a huge limitation.

One thing that I've discovered is that in bright light I definitely need a light-on-dark scheme. When I've been using xterm, gnome-terminal, kitty or something I've just had different profiles that allowed me to swap out colors pretty easily, but I'm definitely going to need to do something there. Perhaps some kind of shell script.

I will continue replying to this post as I get further updates.


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